Two C21 opportunities: 1) Deputy Editor 2) Reviews Editor
Posted by Siân Adiseshiah on 2022-09-16
We are pleased to announce that C21 is advertising for two positions: 1) a Deputy Editor and 2) a Reviews Editor. Both these roles require some prior experience of editorial work, peer review, or academic writing and communications. C21 already has two Deputy Editors but is creating an opening for a third to share the workload so each role is not too onerous. An opening has recently become available for a Reviews Editor.
Both these positions offer the opportunity to work with authors from submission through to publication. There are also creative opportunities to participate in editorial board meetings, contribute to the future plans of the journal, and solicit both individual submissions and special issues. Training on the Open Library of Humanities Janeway platform will be provided.
Expressions of interest of no more than 300 words with accompanying 2-page CVs should be send to the editors: Dr Siân Adiseshiah S.Adiseshiah@lboro.ac.uk and Dr Caroline Edwards Caroline.Edwards@bbk.ac.uk by Monday 31 October 2022. Please indicate whether you would like to be considered for the Deputy Editor, the Reviews Editor, or either role.